/*CS200---------------------------------------------------------------------- Semester: Year: Instructor: F.Porps Your Name: (insert your name here) Assignment # (insert assignment # here) Due: (insert due date here) File name: (insert Filename here).java ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class header below: start of class definition, includes access specifier & class name n.b. There can be only one public class per file, the ClassName starts with upper case and is to be the same as the Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //import API's needed here: public class Filename { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main method below: includes access specifier - public - required for main, (other access specifier options: private & protected) static (does not require an instance of the class to be created for method to run ) , return type: "void" (means the method will not return a value ), method identifier: "main" (all apps must have one main method, as it marks the start/entry point of the program when executed), arguments/parameters: ( ) data to be sent to the method - (more details when methods are covered) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public static void main(String args[ ]) { //create any objects if needed (i.e. scanner for keyboard input) //declare data storage space (constants and variables) //get input as required by program specifications //process data as required by program specifications //display results as required by program specifications } //closing main method } //closing class header