CS 200 > Assignment 1 Problem: Display - Hello world! My name is: (insert your first initial. last name here). Assignment Specifications:  Create a flowchart to solve this problem (flowchart must be submitted).  Code the problem using the jGrasp IDE, making sure to include comments as illustrated.  Submit your source code (.java file)  Submit your output (saved in a notepad .txt file)  Turn in your assignment by the end of class tonight for full credit. (see syllabus for assignment grading details) ____________________________________________________________________________________ //CS200 //(insert here: Semester, Year) //Instructor: F.Porps //Assignment #1 //Due: (insert due date here) //File name: HelloWorld.java public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String args[ ]) { System.out.println("Hello World! My Name is F. Porps."); //system.out.println() is to display output to the screen //text between quotes is called a string literal } } ___________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: Java is case-sensitive “A” is not the same as “a.” Single line comments start with: // Program structure for class encapsulation is in red - more on this later.