12:39:46 Welcome to Cs. 202 for summer, 2023. 12:39:52 This is an online course. And so most of the content will be accessed asynchronously. 12:39:59 In other words, you will set up your own schedule, so let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. 12:40:04 I love any I you I have 2 degrees from the university, and when I was doing my undergrad I worked full-time and went to school full-time. 12:40:15 So one of the most important things I'd like to bring to your attention as we start. 12:40:19 This course is your life work, school balance. I know many of you are probably working as well. 12:40:25 So, figuring out how, you're going to make the time to read the text, watch the videos in the module, participate and do the lab activities. 12:40:35 I will show you. Have week one finished by the start of the semester, which is this upcoming Monday, and I hope to be at least 2 to 3 weeks ahead of you in the following modules this is the first time I'm teaching this class. 12:40:49 Online I'm very excited about it. I want you to know that I am available for you. 12:40:54 We'll go over when I have office hours, and I sure hope that you'll come visit and see me whenever you have any trouble, or utilize the Peer Leader team. 12:41:04 I will talk a little bit more about all of that. But let's tell you a little bit more about me. 12:41:10 So, besides my 2 degrees from Northeastern Illinois University, I returned to teaching here in 2,001 in the Computer Science Department. 12:41:18 I teach a variety of courses within the department but I have a very life experience doing things other than that computer science. 12:41:26 But in every position I ever held, it always came back to problem, solving, or some sort of coding. 12:41:34 So I know many programming languages and other technical skills in the field of technology and programming. 12:41:42 So please, use me as a resource throughout the semester. 12:41:46 So let's take a look at your course, and so that you understand how to navigate this online environment. 12:41:55 So the first thing I want to do is share my screen and give me one moment to set that up. 12:42:01 And now what you're looking at is my course. Homepage. 12:42:08 So on my course, homepage. You're gonna see your course. 12:42:13 Cs. 202 and section C, 2. That's the contract section for teachers. 12:42:19 You'll both be using the same contact. We'll click on this in a moment and go to your homepage. 12:42:24 But before we do that, I want you to explore my homepage a little bit. 12:42:27 So some of the nice things I provide is a direct link to your and mail account. 12:42:32 You just need to log in direct access to d 2 l. 12:42:35 There will be a few things in this course in d. 2 l. 12:42:39 There are 2 announcements, one with another welcoming video and it lists the textbook, and you'll see another link that contains the information for my zoom office hours. 12:42:52 Please note that my zoom office hours link can be found in D. 12:42:55 2 l. There's some other campus. Wide resources for you. 12:43:01 Something that's very important are my office hours this summer I will be on campus on Tuesdays from one to 2 to help you. 12:43:10 So if you want to come in in person and talk to me. 12:43:13 Tuesdays is the time to do it, or Wednesday mornings, from 9 to 10 Am. Via zoom. 12:43:19 Again that zoom link is located in d. 2 l. 12:43:22 Okay. There are some holidays where I will not be available. 12:43:26 They're listed on this page as well. So this is all on my course. 12:43:30 Homepage. Now there's one other thing that's important for you to know, because this is an online class. 12:43:37 I have my online communication plan. It's linked here on my home page. 12:43:42 Let's click on it. I ask that you read this. 12:43:46 I'm not going to go over it in this video, because next thing you know, this video be 2 h long and you'll have stopped watching. 12:43:52 But some of the key things is to make sure that every email you start with starts with Cs 200. 12:43:59 Okay. The subject line is ever so important to me that way. 12:44:03 I can answer your questions in a most efficient way. You'll know that your assignments sometimes will be up to 36 h before you receive feedback from me. 12:44:15 If it's over the weekend and you send it on Friday, you probably will not get a response until Monday. 12:44:20 All of those details are in this online communication plan. Please read it. 12:44:23 If you have questions, please send them to me. Okay. So back to my homepage. 12:44:29 So we've seen my office hours and communication plan. 12:44:32 There's some other really good resources on this page that I asked, that you explore when you have some free time. 12:44:40 But let's get to your course. So let's click on Cfs 202. 12:44:46 And now you are on your course. Homepage each week there will be a pop-up box with information in it for things for you to do for that module. 12:44:54 There'll be some helpful hints, and usually the lab is assignment will be in this pop-up box as well it is part of your module work, so please do not dismiss these pop-up boxes, please. Make sure they're enabled in your favorite 12:45:08 browser and read them thoroughly before you get started. 12:45:11 Now there's some general information about the course the classes you needed to take in order to be enrolled in this class. 12:45:20 The required textbook. Now, this is really important. Please consider buying a hard copy of the book. 12:45:26 You will use the same textbook when you take Cs. 12:45:29 207. That is the sequence course for the programming class. 12:45:34 So, in other words, I will not be able to teach you everything about Java in just one course. 12:45:40 So there is a second course that will continue where I left off. 12:45:45 It would be advisable that you have a USB flash drive to keep track of your work, or make sure that you have separate directory or folder on your computer so that you can find your work. 12:45:56 You're going to need some software called Jgrass. 12:45:59 There's directions in the first week as to how to install it. 12:46:04 Please make sure if you have any trouble with that that you contact a peer leader, and they will help you to install it. 12:46:11 If you're having any difficulty, there are a few month other items that will be useful to you that's here in the list. 12:46:16 Now, this class does require you to read the textbook you are asked to pre read the textbook at the start of the module, so, in other words, you will have something called a concept guide that's due at the start of the Module Dubai Tuesday. 12:46:33 At 1159 Pm. You will send me your work. 12:46:36 Here's the subject line cs, 200 concept guide and then list the chapter. 12:46:42 We'll see that in a moment. Okay, your peer leaders here to assist you are Edwin Nunos and Jose Gomez. 12:46:48 Both of them have sent you some welcome emails to tell you a little bit about themselves. 12:46:54 They have both taken this course with me. So they can definitely fill you in on the trips and tricks and tips to be successful. 12:47:00 Okay. There's also a tutor schedule which I will make available via email. 12:47:07 I will send you a link, and I will be inviting you shortly to the Peer Leader chat room. 12:47:14 So let me scroll back up, and you'll see here direct access is a peer leader chat room as long as you're logged into your email account when you click on this button it will take you to the peer leader chat room where there are purely leaders 6 days a week in 12:47:31 the summer available to help you. In addition to myself and your 2 core specific peer leaders Edwin and Jose, there is a whole team to guarantee your success with this class, you just need to take advantage of using them. 12:47:45 When you get stuck. Now, as you move on, there are quick links to each week's work. 12:47:51 Okay. We'll look at week. One a moment, but let's click down to week 10 and the final exam. 12:47:59 Why am I doing that first? It's sort of a spoiler. 12:48:02 Where are we gonna end up as a finishing this course on July 20, s. 12:48:07 So July 20, s, and from 8 30 to 1030 in the course d. 12:48:12 2 l. Shell will be the final exam. Please make sure you're logged in by 8 15 Am. 12:48:19 And your computers are working order, and you have a solid Internet connection. 12:48:23 Then you can take the exam. The exam will start at 8 30, and concludes at 1030. 12:48:29 Okay, and I will be online during that time. If you have any questions. 12:48:36 So you can email me, I probably will open up a zoom session so you can zoom in with me if you're having any trouble. 12:48:41 Okay, all the so if there's any problems with that date, you need to let me know right away so that we can maybe make some other accommodations that has to be a pretty serious situation to get those accommodations. 12:48:55 But if there's something in important, please let me know. 12:48:59 So I've zoomed to the last part, mainly because I wanna talk about where this course ends up. 12:49:06 The things that you're going to learn and should understand along the way are primitive data types. We'll see. 12:49:13 Those are on the string object. Within a couple of weeks. 12:49:18 The difference between a constant and a variable, and literals. 12:49:23 What identifiers there are in programming operators. 12:49:28 We're going to learn math and logic and relational operators. 12:49:33 Actually, there's one more relational. What is typecasting, forcing conversions between data types, the linear process of the algorithm to solve a problem branching which will be if else and switch case syntax, which I'll explain later repetition structures we have 2 pre test loops for and 12:49:54 while and a post test loop called dowhile nesting constructs, meaning how we nest them to solve a particular problem. 12:50:01 We'll learn about methods. The return types, their parameters, their arguments, whether they're passed by value or are considered passed by reference. 12:50:10 For example, rate arrays and overloading methods. 12:50:15 We'll also cover. Raise both single and multi-dimensional and ragged arrays. 12:50:20 Classes and objects will be concluded, including attributes, constructors, and behaviors and access specifiers. 12:50:29 So there's a lot to cover in 9 weeks. And this is why it's important to stay on top of your material. 12:50:34 Every single week. Let me hit the back button here, go back to those quick links and let's look at week. 12:50:41 One well, before we do that, let me scroll up for a moment and let you know the website is still currently under construction. 12:50:49 By Monday week, one the module will be completed. 12:50:51 Okay. And I will move this red banner to let you know which modules are complete. 12:50:58 As I've completed them, so, as you can see, I've added a week 0 module. 12:51:03 This is prior to starting your course work, and I'm welcome you to the course if you notice it's coming soon here. 12:51:09 So the video I'm recording right now will be in this spot by the time you look at the page and see that now the thing to note is, this course is broken into weekly modules. 12:51:19 The module start at Monday's at 120. 12:51:23 One a. M. And conclude the following Sunday by 1159 p. 12:51:26 M, so that's our due date for our last possible piece of work. 12:51:30 The module work can be accepted. Starting on Monday's at 120. 12:51:33 One Am. And the module work must be submitted by the end of the module. 12:51:37 On Sundays and 1159 Pm. It is best that you do a couple portions of the module every single day rather than try to cram it all in on the weekend. 12:51:50 The reason for this is Monday. Through Friday I can give you feedback rather quickly on your module work. 12:51:57 If you wait till the weekend, you're just going to get a pile of feedback on Monday or Tuesday, which would not nearly be as useful as along the way, so as you complete each portion of the module please send me that email with the deliverable that's required and you'll get some feedback 12:52:14 along the way, rather than waiting till the end of the module. 12:52:18 One of the other things that I asked that you do is read the syllabus. Okay? 12:52:22 In the syllabus. There's the course, description how to reach me. The supplies. 12:52:29 You'll need learning outcomes of the course your workload. 12:52:32 So I' what you're going to be doing in this class, and we'll look at that in a moment in more detail. 12:52:37 How do you get an A or B, or with the grade you plan to achieve some miscellaneous course, rules how to communicate with me again? 12:52:45 That's in the online communication plan as well and as always. 12:52:52 I always like to give you some sort of free gift, and at the very last page of the syllabus is a way to keep track of your course points so at any moment you can calculate your own course grade. 12:53:04 I'd like to mention you would not call up the bank and say, how much money do I have in my own course grade? I'd like to mention you would not call up the bank and say, how much money do I have in my account? 12:53:17 Please consider your course, points your money in the class, and you should keep track of how much money you have in your account in this class. 12:53:20 One other thing I want you to do before you start the course so early. 12:53:26 Starting today or before Monday, explore the homepage, check out all the links that are in this left nag, fire. 12:53:33 There's some quick links that you'll be utilizing throughout the course. 12:53:37 They're also sometimes listed in a weekly module, but these are ones that you might want to refer back to more than once. 12:53:44 And so I put the quick links in this left Nav bar. 12:53:47 Okay. And I would also see that you take a peek at week 2. 12:53:52 It. Near the end of week, one, or at some point as well. 12:53:57 It might be helpful. Okay, so let's take a look at week. One. 12:54:02 Now it is still incomplete. There will be some videos posted in here along the way as well as point values for the tasks that you are going to turn in. 12:54:14 Each week has 25 points, the points will be listed next to each of the activities, and what you will need to submit. 12:54:23 So this is incomplete. You can see here's one of them here's assignment one that's one of the things that you're going to turn in, as is the concept guide in the middle. 12:54:31 There's some more points missing. So let's take a little break from this page, and let's take a look at your syllabus. 12:54:41 Okay. So let me get back to the top. Here. There's your syllabus, and again, there's a lot of information in this syllabus. 12:54:51 Please carefully read it, especially when my office hours are, and things like that. 12:54:56 My information, your peer leaders. Now, this part, I wanna talk to you about this semester. 12:55:02 You are going to have a synchronous workshop, meaning, it is at a specific time, and you need to be there. 12:55:10 It is a component of the course I have requested by email that you send me your availability based on. 12:55:18 When the peer leaders were also available, I plan to split the class hopefully, exactly in half between the 2 peer leaders. 12:55:26 They will be working with you in teams on the project. 12:55:31 The summer project and so there's a weekly deliverable for the project as long, and there is weekly work for you to do on the project during the workshop session. 12:55:43 So we will look at how those points are involved. Okay? Again, here's the textbook again. 12:55:50 Here's the quick link to my homepage and directions on how to get to Cs 200. 12:55:56 I believe I've sent you an email with all of those links. 12:56:00 So please check your inbox. We'll look at that in a moment. 12:56:02 Okay, so here's your course, objectives and learning outcomes. Please read them. 12:56:06 Carefully, so you can see the expectations now. Probably one of the most important parts is hey? 12:56:12 What are I have to do in this class? What is the work? 12:56:16 So these are the student tasks, assignments, requirements. 12:56:19 So how I've set up this course is, we'll be using module checkpoints. 12:56:25 Each each module contained 25 points worth of checkpoints, the activities within the module will have the point value listed, as I noted, some of the key activities in other words, there in every module are as follows, the first one being the workshop okay, the workshop 12:56:44 attendance and participation. This is that synchronous component you need to be on time and stay for the entire time. 12:56:52 This workshop session is worth 5 points. Now you don't get all 5 points just by showing up. 12:56:58 You receive 2 points for showing up on time and staying for the duration of the session. 12:57:04 You receive the remaining 3 points based on your participation. 12:57:10 So, if you ask or answer at least one question involving problem solving or coding, not what did you have for lunch today? 12:57:19 You'll earn 1 point if you answer at least 3 questions or ask at least 3 questions on topic, you can earn 2 points if you ask Randy more than 3 questions involving the topic you will earn 3 points. 12:57:37 Now please. Note. If you see it says, while allowing others to also participate, earn points, I would like to see everyone actively participate. 12:57:45 Please make sure that if you have asked a lot of questions that you give your fellow teammates the chance to participate as well, so make sure that you balance that carefully. 12:57:57 So everyone gets a turn to earn those full 3 points of participation. 12:58:04 The next step is in order to be better prepared for the module. 12:58:08 I do ask that you preread the textbook. So there is a concept guide each week that pulls out the key and important information. 12:58:19 You should get from the textbook reading. There are 2 columns, the text column and the lecture column. 12:58:26 You are to complete the text column, and as long as you have it, at least 75% complete. 12:58:34 So, in other words, mostly complete, and you turn it in on Monday or Tuesday. 12:58:40 Okay, so before that deadline of of 1159 pm, I'm Tuesday. 12:58:47 You will earn 3 points for the concept. Guide again as long as it's at least 75% complete. 12:58:52 If you do not turn it in by Tuesday, it 1159 Pm. 12:58:58 You can still earn credit for it. One and a half points anytime it is turned in after Tuesday, but before the end of the module, okay, subject lines are important. 12:59:10 So please address it as Cs. 200 concept guide, and then say module week, and then, like week, one. 12:59:17 Okay, that way. I know which one you're sending in. 12:59:21 Okay. Now, the remaining points. Okay, so there's basically 17 points a week that have not been covered by the workshop or the concept guide. Okay? 12:59:32 So where else are you gonna be earning these points are a variety of activities depending on what we're working on that week. 12:59:41 Okay. So sometimes I'll be posting a question that you need to answer sometimes you'll be doing lab work. 12:59:49 So the only thing I want to give a little bit more details on is the lab work on the homepage. 12:59:55 There's how do I submit my work? Okay? And there's a sandwich that you're gonna send a Pdf file that contains a flow charts that you're going to send a Pdf file that contains a flow. 13:00:05 Chart your source code and your application. It's explained on the homepage. 13:00:08 In fact, let's take a quick look at that as long as we're talking about that. 13:00:12 At the moment. Okay, so if you scroll down here, how do I submit my assignments and lab work? 13:00:18 It'll show you. So the put your flow chart on top your source code and your output file put into one Pdf file and send it to me by the due date. 13:00:28 Okay, so let's go back to where we left off in the syllabus. 13:00:33 Okay, now, how's their graded? If they're a lab, you get 2 full points. 13:00:39 If it works to specifications and turned in on time. 13:00:43 You'll only receive 1 point if you did not follow the specifications example exactly. 13:00:49 Sometimes you'll see that I will give you a current score of one, and I will ask you to fix your work. 13:00:57 This is built in grade forgiveness, that if you'll see that I will give you a current score of one, and I will ask you to fix your work. 13:01:03 This is built in this only counts. If I say current score, if I say score, that's your score. 13:01:08 But if I see that you've made a minor mistake, and I think that you can fix it, I will mark it in. 13:01:13 As current score. If you do not do the assignment at all, you will earn no points. 13:01:21 Now something's special about this class. I started in spring offering a project. 13:01:28 This is still in trial. Mode your project work will be via the workplops. 13:01:34 It is worth 50 points. The final exam is also worth 50 points. 13:01:39 What I do is take the higher of the 2 scores. 13:01:43 So it is to your best interest to do both the project and the final exam. 13:01:48 Then, whichever score is higher is the one I will use for that portion of your grade in the course. 13:01:55 I will tell you from experience. Last semester students had higher scores on their project than their final exam, and so I use their project score. 13:02:05 So I hope that is incentive for you to realize that the project is nicely spread out over the 9 weeks, and it's very doable, and it's more likely to score higher than the final exam. 13:02:18 The final exam focuses on many of the nuances of the language, and can be very challenging. 13:02:24 You can talk to both Jose and Edwin about the final exam, and they will give you their opinions from a student perspective. 13:02:34 Okay, so how do you get an A just get 247 or more points in the class. 13:02:41 One other note I wanna bring to your attention. If for some reason, you do not feel like you're being successful with the material Friday, June thirtieth. 13:02:51 By 1159 pm. It is your responsibility to withdraw from the course Us. 13:02:55 I hope that doesn't happen for anyone. Please do not withdraw without first having a conversation with me. 13:03:03 This course, many students will start out struggling and not understanding, and having lower scores and eventually their scores pick up, and they do better it is the nature of the course in all the years that I've been teaching it. 13:03:18 Students sometimes start out struggling and then improve. So please talk to me before you consider withdrawing. 13:03:26 If you feel like you're not doing well. Okay. The course outline more specifically is on the course homepage. 13:03:34 The project work is important. And so attendance is required in each of those workshop sessions which is synchronous. 13:03:44 Okay, there's some more policies. Please make sure that you read them all in your leisure. 13:03:52 And if you have questions, email me the last page, I want to bring to your attention is this worksheet as you complete activities? 13:03:59 Please put your points in here, so that at any moment you can calculate your score. 13:04:06 So here's your workshop attendance area they will let you know the 2 points, the remaining points I am going to figure out a way to inform you of your participation points I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do that yet, as I said this the first time I'm teaching 13:04:19 this? On? Okay, here's where you're gonna keep your concept. Guide scores. 13:04:24 And then each module, remember, there's 17 points per week, so keep track of your activities here and log your points. 13:04:33 Keep tracking your project points the final exam. You won't know until it's over. 13:04:37 So this is my plan. A. Hopefully, this will work perfectly, if not, please remember to be flexible, flexible mindful, and respectful and patient. 13:04:48 If the plan needs to be modified for any reason, I really look forward to coding with you. 13:04:54 It is one of my passions. It is totally fun. 13:04:57 Sometime. It's a bit frustrating, but it does get easier as you go. 13:05:03 Okay, so we've explored the syllabus. 13:05:06 We explored the course homepage, so the layest thing I wanna bring to your attention before I conclude this little video is the fact that I have sent you a few emails. 13:05:20 Okay, so the email that you are looking at right now, the summer project, I let you know that the project is available again. 13:05:30 The link to this is on the homepage, but you can go ahead and bookmark this link. 13:05:34 So it's useful for you the peer leaders are gonna assist you with this team project. 13:05:40 So what you will be put on teams in the first workshop, and you'll work as a team throughout the nin weeks of the course. 13:05:47 Okay. I am resending the availability listing. I had sent out an earlier email with the availability. 13:05:56 You can respond to this one or the previous one about half of you have responded. 13:06:01 So I'm waiting to get the other half of you to give me a response. 13:06:04 If you don't respond by Monday, May 20 s, you're going to be put into a time based on selection. 13:06:12 I ask that you give me your 3 top choices because I want to, as best as possible even out the class between Edwin and Jose. 13:06:21 So this is an email that I would appreciate as soon as you watch this video. 13:06:25 Yet you send me that email if it's after Monday, May twenty-second, your choice will not count, because I have to set a deadline and get the workshop setup for the class. 13:06:37 So this was one of these emails that I wanted to look at. 13:06:41 Now there's another one. Okay, so that's the summer project. 13:06:46 I also sent out a course communication thread, and several of you have already replied, I would like, for all of you to reply, why, this is 5 points of your first module. 13:07:00 One, what I'd like you to do is to read the task. 13:07:06 Basically, I want you to to get to know one another. 13:07:10 So share with you your name, your personal pronun, and your favorite food. 13:07:15 Do you have any pets? And why did you choose to take this course? 13:07:16 And so I got us started with a little bit of information about me. 13:07:21 Feel free to read that. And what's most important to this is, see these 3 dots over here on the right. 13:07:30 We are gonna use and mail for a lot of our communication in this course. 13:07:36 And so we are going to use reply, all so all of the students in the course, the 2 peer leaders and my myself will receive these emails. 13:07:45 And now, in order to do that, see these 3 buttons, you're going to click on them, and then you're going to choose. 13:07:51 Reply to all. Now remember, everyone in the class is, gonna hear your response. 13:07:56 This is a technique we're gonna use. So that we collaborate during this online course what's one of the most important things is to keep everyone on the same page. 13:08:09 Now some things that I would like to point out. Okay, do not discuss solutions to work until I've shared the solution. 13:08:16 Do not request any personal information here, like what is migrate. 13:08:22 Things like that need to happen during office hours so this is our collaborative space. 13:08:28 Most of the time when I set up an email, it'll tell you specifically what to put into that email. 13:08:34 Okay. As for the module work, those are individual, and you'll send me into emails again. 13:08:42 Starting with Cs. 200. Then you'll say, like module one, and then specifically, what task you're doing in the body of that email. 13:08:50 I hope that you found this useful. I think that was the last email that I wanted to share. 13:08:55 Yes, it was so. Let me bring you to the programming sequence student, chat room. 13:09:01 After I finish this video I will be inviting you to this room. 13:09:06 In this room is where you can meet up with the Peer Leader team and set up a zoom session, and they can help you. Okay. 13:09:14 So here's the schedule I've already posted that as of yesterday. 13:09:19 I'll zoom in on that, so you can see most of their hours are on line, because 2 out of the 3 programming sequence classes this semester are online. 13:09:29 So they do have some call on campus office hours. If you want to meet with someone in person, they've listed their course work that they've completed so that you have a better understanding of where they're at. 13:09:40 So pretty, exciting! Jose just finished this course with me in the spring, so he'll be very fresh and new to all the material, as was Jonathan Florez, so he will also be a very good resource. 13:09:55 He completed the class in the spring with me as well. Ed. 13:09:58 When completed the course last spring. So he's already has a plethora of other courses that he has taken. 13:10:03 Okay. So when the video is over, you'll be invited to this programming sequence student chat room, where you can find that is, from spaces.