What is your name?
Andrew Hanigan
What are your favorite classes?
Programming 2 has been my favorite Computer Science course I've taken so far. Not only did it give me the great opportunity to meet professor Mohaisen, it's also the class where everything started to 'click' for me programming wise.
What is your most satisfying experience as a peer leader?
Seeing the students in the workshops make huge strides in their programming abilities has been my favorite thing about being a peer leader so far. Often the solutions that some students share for the workshop problems impress and motivate me. Becoming familiar with them and having fun in the workshops has been a great experience.
What kind of advice would you give to aspiring peer leaders?
Spend time on your Java fundamentals. Don't just solve homework problems, understand them and be able to explain them.
Did you have any doubts about being a peer leader and if so what are they?
Yes, I doubted whether I was qualified to lead the workshops. I did well in my classes, but I never considered myself an exceptional programmer. But, my doubts were erased after I got into a groove with the workshops. You'll be surprised by how much better you are at programming after completing the courses Programming I and Programming II.
How has the peer leader experience shaped you as a person outside of school?
This is a hard question to answer, I have only been part of the Peer Leader Program for one semester. On top of that, due to COVID 19, I don't have much of a life outside of my house. However, I do feel a bit more confident in speaking to a group and leading that conversation.
Meet the Peer Leaders