All peer leaders are required to attend mandatory peer leader training and professional development. This includes an orientation/training session at the start of the semester. As a peer leader you are a role model for other undergraduate students as well as a representative of Northeastern Illinois University and the Computer Science Peer Leader Program. Therefore, as a member of the Peer Leader team, you must conduct yourself in a professional manner in any university related function even if you are not expressly representing the Peer Leader Program.
Defined roles
- Attend a training/orientation session prior to or at the beginning of the semester.
- Devote 4 hours per week to peer leader activities:
- Attend a regularly scheduled 1-hour meeting every week with other peer leaders and the Peer Leader Program Coordinator to discuss resource development, group dynamics, and experiences in the programming classes, as a means of networking and community-building. These meetings/activities will occur online.
- Attend a regularly scheduled 1-hour meeting with faculty to discuss programming content and pedagogical techniques
- Assist an instructor learning activities at regularly-scheduled 50-minute (plus prep time = 1-hour) workshop sessions throughout the semester.
- Keep attendance records for workshop sessions.
- Work collaboratively with instructors, faculty, and the Peer Leader Program Coordinator prior to the start of the semester to determine your role in the programming classroom.
- Hold 1-hour of virtual office hours per week via Zoom or Chat Room (tbd) where all CS 200 and CS 207 students may “drop in”.
- During each workshop:
- Follow all guidelines that were discussed with your instructor.
- Have an understanding and commitment to the Peer Led Team Learning and experiential research philosophy and structure, which includes providing guidance to students as they approach and solve programming problems.
- Monitor students’ attendance and participation during sessions using an online spreadsheet or form provided by the instructor.
- Communicate any issues that arise during workshop sessions in a prompt manner to the Peer Leader Program Coordinator and your assigned instructor.
- Assist with distributing assessment forms to students at the end of the semester.
Performance Evaluation
- Each peer leader’s work performance will be evaluated by the Peer Leader Program Coordinator and/or your assigned instructor at least once during the semester.
- Each peer leader’s work performance will be evaluated by the CS-200 students they interact with during the semester.