What is your name?
Dennis George
What are your favorite classes?
My favorite class is actually a course I took from UIC called Mathematical Foundations of Computing. The professor is the best I've had and is the one that made the class as enjoyable as it was. I learned a lot about logical statements from the course and helped boost my confidence in problem-solving.
What is your most satisfying experience as a peer leader?
I haven't had an opportunity to really be a peer tutor yet, but I enjoyed the meetings where we engaged in conversations about various topics.
What kind of advice would you give to aspiring peer leaders?
Not sure if I am in a position to say anything about this at the moment, but I believed helping/teaching others helps reinforce that knowledge. So being a peer-leader isn't just about you helping others improve but yourself as well.
Did you have any doubts about being a peer leader and if so what are they?
I still have my doubts about being a peer leader as I am still not comfortable talking to people and worry that I won't be able to properly help others with my lack of communication skills. I also don't know if my skill is adequate enough to actually help others as don't believe myself to be all that great of a programmer. I hope when I actually start working as a peer-leader that I can overcome these doubts.
How has the peer leader experience shaped you as a person outside of school?
Don't believe I can say much about this at the moment, but having attended a few peer-leader sessions I had contemplated some of the ideas discussed. Haven't had a chance to actually put any of them to practice yet, but look forward to doing so.
Meet the Peer Leaders