What is your name?
Desislava Borisova.
What are some of your favorite classes and what made them your favorite?
I don't think I have a favorite class, but I enjoy logic related classes. I like the challenge of finding a solution to a problem but also enjoy classes where I can express my creative side.
What has been the most satisfying experience or a moment you've had as a peer leader?
Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I helped a student somehow.
What kind of advice would you give to students who aspire to be a peer leader?
Be patient and be organized.
Did you have any doubts about being a peer leader and if so what are they?
I don't think I had any doubts. I enjoy programming. Also, I knew that being a peer leader can help me expand my knowledge.
How has the peer leader experience shaped you as a person outside of school?
The peer leader program helped me learn a lot about myself. I communicate better with people around me and I am more patient.
Meet the Peer Leaders