What is your name?

Valdemar Martinez

What are your favorite classes?

CS 200 and 207 were some of my favorite classes since that was where it all started for me in this major and where I learned the fundamentals of coding.

What is your most satisfying experience as a peer leader?

It has been very satisfying to guide our fellow students and to make them figure out how the algorithms they are working on work as a whole.

What kind of advice would you give to aspiring peer leaders?

Just be willing to be patient and let those whom you are working with to let their ideas out and come up with creative solutions to solving problems.

Did you have any doubts about being a peer leader and if so what are they?

Personally, I am a turtle, I like to be alone and prefer things that way. I have never been one to be in the spotlight. I doubt myself at times when I lead a meeting since I am not good at making conversations and can hardly keep a conversation going on.

How has the peer leader experience shaped you as a person outside of school?

Following from the last question I think it has helped me a bit in terms of trying to be out there which in the future can help with potential jobs.

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