What is your name?
My name is Deontae Allen.
What are some of your favorite classes and what made them your favorite?
The classes I have most enjoyed in my academic career are Programming 1 & 2, Data Structures, and client-side web development. I had no previous programming experience before NEIU, so learning the fundamentals has made each of these classes uniquely rewarding and challenging at the same time. Collaborating with my classmates during the trial and error phase of these classes helped build relationships and invaluable problem solving skills.
What has been the most satisfying experience or a moment you've had as a peer leader?
This will be my first semester as a peer leader.
What kind of advice would you give to students who aspire to be a peer leader?
If you are interested in becoming a peer leader I would suggest you attend one of the peer leader meetings and get information. Also navigate this site and see if this program is something you'd want to be a part of. It's a great way to hone in on the programming fundamentals and it looks great on your resume.
Did you have any doubts about being a peer leader and if so what are they?
I had many doubts about becoming a peer leader, especially doing it for the first time remotely. What if my internet goes out or I have problems with zoom? The main concern was being asked a question I didn't have the answer to. I was reassured that this is a collaberative effort and we are all still in the learning process. Finding the answer to questions is helpful for you and the person asking. You're refreshing your memory on past topics or possibly learning things that weren't covered in your course.
How has the peer leader experience shaped you as a person outside of school?
Time management is a skill that will be useful throughout my academic career and in the field. I've been able to manage my time better knowing that i have multiple obligations that need my attention throughout the week.
Meet the Peer Leaders