What is your name?
Luis Rosales
What are some of your favorite classes and what made them your favorite?
CS 200 and CS 207: Programming 1 and 2, the foundation of your skills as a programmer. CS304 Data Structures: Where you make proud (OR NOT) your instructors from programming 1 and 2. CS315 Modern Database Systems: Seems easy but I quickly find out it is very detail-oriented. Great Class. Introduction to Sociology: You must take this one to become a better YOU. CS319 Computational Methods in Biology. I enrolled in it because Python is used for it, Great challenge, You need lots of time to solve those problems.
What has been the most satisfying experience or a moment you've had as a peer leader?
It is addicting when I see the students understanding the how, why, and answer to the challenge of the workshop. most important it is when they realize they have to take responsibility on their own to keep and retain all the concepts and tools taught in class and revisit in the workshops.
What kind of advice would you give to students who aspire to be a peer leader?
Do not even think twice, approach Professor Porps right away, and commit your self to get good grades in CS 200 and CS207. The experience is so enriching.
Did you have any doubts about being a peer leader and if so what are they?
No, I love to learn from other's solutions and share my solutions, so what would be a better opportunity than being a peer leader?
How has the peer leader experience shaped you as a person outside of school?
It has given me the opportunity to focus on what other people may not understand when I am trying to explain a topic
Meet the Peer Leaders