What is your name?
My name is Nicole Daffe
What are some of your favorite classes and what made them your favorite?
Some of my favorite classes within the Computer Science program were Modern Database Management and Programming 2. I loved Modern Database Management because I found that creating ER Diagrams and creating and executing queries were interesting and honestly a lot of fun. I enjoyed Programming 2 because I thought the material was interesting and also I really liked my teacher and class.
What has been the most satisfying experience or a moment you've had as a peer leader?
This is my first time being a peer leader so I don't have any experience yet, but I am excited to be one. I can't wait to have good experiences with my class!
What kind of advice would you give to students who aspire to be a peer leader?
The advice I'd give to students who aspire to be a peer leader is to just do it! Especially if they are on the fence. It's a really good refresher on some of the earlier CS classes, and you learn a lot during the weekly meetings. Plus, you get to know more professors and peers better and it's a nice support system.
Did you have any doubts about being a peer leader and if so what are they?
My biggest doubt about being a peer leader is whether or not I could remember the content and if I were able to actually help the students understand the material better.
How has the peer leader experience shaped you as a person outside of school?
As I stated above, this will be my first semester as a peer leader, but I already feel more confident in roles where I can help out other students. I am also more willing to work together in groups to help solve problems and to share knowledge.
Meet the Peer Leaders